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The Association of the 5th Regiment and Special Operation Forces

Asociácia 5. pluku a špeciálnych síl - logo 


is a civil association that was founded to:



  •  Help the affected persons to cope with the consequences of a critical life situation in which they got into as a result of their duty (injuries with permanent consequences, death).

  • Support and represent the 5th Special Forces Regiment and the Special Operations Forces to the public at home and abroad by ensuring a higher level of activities organized by them.

      If you are interested in supporting this well meant idea, you can do so by depositing any financial amount to the association's transparent bank account.

(IBAN): SK33 8330 0000 0027 0181 5965

We do hearfully thank you for every contribution!


 IČO: 53014057

Address: Rajecká cesta 2837/18, 01001 Žilina, SR


tel. : +421 960 442 255

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